Sunday, December 1, 2013

Are you planning to seek a government contract, grant or loan?

If you are planning to seek any type of city, county, state, federal or foreign country contract, grant or loan to include concessions or incentives of any kind your business, project or venture should be outlined in a manner that will sell itself. When you click the flyer below you will be redirected to my primary website where you can see samples, pricing and more and click the video to see what we did for a recent client as a project snapshot.


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Most government entities have a similar primary concern and that is the ability of those they give contracts, grants and/or loans to... to fulfill their obligations as stated in their plan. Expert Business Presentations specializes in creating all of the materials you need that are custom designed to sell themselves to your targeted audience and we provide consulting that will empower you saving you time and money! Contact me, Johnny Bryan Giles, today and see what I can offer you! I am very confident you will be impressed!

I specialize in RFA, RFI, RFP and RFQ proposals!